Thank you for your interest in the TIS .
This is undoubtedly the best Firework display in Second Life! We have taken our time to make sure that the Fireworks Display is true to life so will amaze anyone who watches it!
- Set height, change presets and set off quick launch fireworks via the included TIS iControl Professional
- Now includes the ability to be part of Second Life Experiences!
- Includes a freely distributable dance HUD making viewing even easier - See TIS Fireworks HUD for a list of HUD features.
- Allow selected others or your group to control the product.
- Highly detailed 100% mesh design.
- Multiple Levels Of Detail (LOD) ensure your product looks perfect no matter what distance it is viewed from.
- Realistic texturing to every component.
- Just 1 prim for the unit!
- Scripting has been rigorously optimized to reduce sim overhead.
- Fully copyable - set out as many as you need.
- Easily control speed to reduce load on laggy sims if required.
Current version of the is v.
Release date of the current version is . To check what version you are running please see the Version section. Please also see the Troubleshooting tab if you are having any other issues to see if your query is answered there before contacting support.
On purchase you will be delivered a folder containing a box for your and a box for the TIS iControl Professional which controls all our products compatible with the iControl.
First drag the box to the ground where it will automatically unpack and give you a folder containing your product. Accept this folder and it will appear in the top level of your inventory. You can now delete the product box (a copy is still in your inventory). Then drag the TIS iControl Professional box to the ground which will unpack and give you another folder containing the iControl. You need only to use one iControl to control multiple products.
In your inventory, locate the folder called TIS
In this folder you will find the following items:
- This is the unit. It is copyable so you can use as many as your venue requires.
- TIS Parameters
- This box contains all the Fireworks parameter notecards. These notecards are named by the type of fireworks that can be played. More information about the parameters can be found in the section Customizing Presets.
In your inventory, locate the folder called TIS iControl Professional
In this folder you will find the following items:
- TIS iControl Professional
- The TIS iControl Professional is the controller for this product. You will be able to use this controller to change various functions for the product. For more information about basic functionality of the iControl Professional, please see here.
The can be set up to use an Experience to automatically allow avatars accept those pesky permissions to attach temporary HUDs!
In order to set this up on your land, you will need to do the following:
On your client tool bar at the top of your screen go to World and then select Parcel Details if you are using the Firestorm client, select About Land if you are using the Second Life Client.

In the Experiences tab, click the Add button on the Allowed Experiences section.
In the Choose Experience dialogue that pops up, search for TIS and then select the TIS (There In Spirit) experience, make sure the owner is Dancing Lemon.

First locate the TIS
in your folder and drag it out to the ground in world.

The base unit will then check to make sure it can rez on the land (required for the actual display), and it will also load all the preset notecards contained within the contents of the base unit. The Fireworks Display requires rez rights on the land in order that it can produce its fireworks. If you have the land set to a specific group, in the About Land dialogue box, make sure that in the Options tab the Build: Group tick box is enabled. If you receive the message:
: Rez Check passed - Fireworks can be created here.
: Quick Launch Presets Loaded
There is no further action that is required and you can proceed to the next step. If by any chance the Fireworks Display cannot complete its set up it will state in chat what is required. Please see the section Rez Check for more information regarding what each of the messages mean.
Now position your where you wish it to be in your venue before switching it on.
This products functionality can only be controlled by the iControl Professional. Please see the Using the iControl section for full details on finishing the set up, and how to use your product with your iControl Professional.
In addition to using the iControl Professional the has an in built viewer Fireworks HUD that can be used to fully appreciate the fireworks displays. To obtain this display HUD, you and your customers or friends only need to click the Base Unit, and the HUD will be attached to your screen automatically if you have allowed the TIS Experience, if not the HUD will be attached when you say Yes to the drop down to allow to attach to avatar.
A note about Particles - Please bear in mind that if you are on a sim which already has lots of particles produced by other objects, your client may not display all of the Firework particles. This means you may only see part of the display or in extreme cases Fireworks may not appear at all. For best results stop other particle generators within your draw distance before starting the .
For best results and to fully appreciate the , we recommend that you have the following client settings:
Set your World to Midnight!
To set your world to midnight to appreciate the lighting display, go to your client toolbar menu and select World > Sun Position > Midnight or click Ctrl + Shift + X
Obviously the will function perfectly well when it's daytime too, but when it's midnight.... Just WOW!
NOTE: As with any projector light, the properties of the surface the product shines on will affect the how the projection looks. In particular, projector lights will not be seen on full bright surfaces as they are already at their maximum brightness.
Graphic Preferences
We also recommend for optimum viewing pleasure that you set your graphic preferences to the following settings if your computer graphics can handle it. To open your Preferences window please click Ctrl + P. Set your Performance up to High and tick the Advanced Lighting Model box, the Ambient Occlusion box, set shadows drop down to Sun/Moon + Projectors. Also set your draw distance to about 600 or higher. Please make sure that you set your Objects & Sculpts LOD to 4.0 and Max particle count to max (8192).

Drag out the iControl Professional from your inventory to the ground in world or right click and select wear from your inventory to wear the controller as a HUD. If you require other people i.e. staff or managers to be able to control the product a controller must be out on the parcel that your product is located on. For more detailed instructions on how to use the iControl Professional, please see the TIS iControl Professional web page.
When first worn or dragged to the ground the iControl Professional will quickly establish connection to any devices available. The products communication channel is set to 0 by default. More information regarding communication channels and why you would ever want to use them can be found in the information page of the TIS iControl Professional. Information on how to change the channels can be found in the section Multiple Units using different settings.
Once the iControl Professional has established connection to the product you will see an icon appear representing the product at the bottom of the controller in the Product Selection panel.

Click the icon for TIS and you will be presented with this screen:

On pressing this button , the configuration drop down will appear which will give you the options for the product. If you have multiple 's out the configuration button will control all units on that channel, not just the one it states on the drop down.

On clicking this button, the base unit will check the land settings to make sure that the can rez temporary prims in order to carry out its display.
If the was set up correctly you should get the following message in chat:
TIS : Rez Check passed - Fireworks can be created here.
If the was rezzed on land that is group owned but only the owner of the display can rez under that group not the group itself. You will get a message like this:
WARNING: Unable to create fireworks. Unable to rez Fireworks when owner is offline. Please set (not deed) this Fireworks Display to the group that owns the land.
If the was rezzed on land that is group owned, but the group cannot create objects, you will see a message like this:
WARNING: Unable to create fireworks. Land is group owned, but members of the group cannot create objects. Please allow group members to Build in the About Land dialog.
If the was rezzed on land that is set to a group but the has not been rezzed under that group, you will get a message like this:
WARNING: Unable to create fireworks. Please set (not deed) the to the group the land is set to.
If the was rezzed on land that only the owner of the parcel or sim can rez, you will see a message like this:
WARNING: Unable to create fireworks. Land is individually owned, and only the land owner's objects are allowed to rez. Please talk to the land owner to get permission to rez here.
If the cannot decipher what is causing it to fail then you will see this message:
WARNING: Unable to create fireworks. Unable to determine rez fail reason - Please contact TIS Support
This restores the products sliders to their default state. It also acts as a reset, in which it will reset the values of the product to factory state
. This is very useful if you are dragging out multiple units as if you have changed any values, the newly dragged out unit will still only have the factory default settings. If you drag out two units pressing this Restore button will make sure that both units are displaying the same settings. This will not overwrite any adjustments made to any of the notecards.
On pressing this button the base unit of the Fireworks Display will state in chat to you:
- TIS Fireworks Display: Preparing Notecards - Please wait.
- TIS Fireworks Display: A folder called 'TIS Fireworks Display Notecard Backup date' containing backup notecards has been delivered to your inventory.
The base unit will then send you the settings notecards stored inside the machine itself. The settings notecards will be contained in a folder in your inventory.
Pressing this button will change the style of the actual Fireworks Display to either the modern style, or the vintage style (which is its default state).
On pressing this button will allow the product to notify in chat confirmations of button presses. This is especially useful so the owner or admin can know what settings have been changed when they click any of the buttons. The default setting is off.

This is pretty self explanatory, clicking this button will switch the Fireworks Display off.
Caveat: This stops only the next playing firework in the current preset being shown. It does not stop the current playing firework as this will need to play out before stopping.

These are pretty self explanatory, clicking the button will switch the Fireworks Display sound on, and clicking the button will switch the sound off.
Caveat: This will not switch off the sounds that people can hear if they are using the display HUD (the HUD that can be temporary attached by anyone clicking the Fireworks Display base), the sounds that the display HUD emit are controlled by the user of that HUD only.

The Fireworks Display can have its height adjusted using this slider. The slider min setting on the slider sets the height to approx 10 meters high with a span of about 20 meters. The max setting will set the height of the fireworks to approx 50 meters high with a span of about 100 meters.
Caveat: Please bear in mid the width of the span if you have neighbours. If your parcel is for instance 20 meters wide and you set the height to 25 meters high, the span will be 50 meters which will overlap your neighbours parcel, and probably making them very unhappy! Just remember that whatever height you have selected the span will always be height * 2, so for instance height of 30 meters will result in the span being 60 meters wide.

The Fireworks Display comes with 3 in built preset displays. The short preset lasts for approx 1 and a half minutes, the medium for approx 3 minutes and the long for approx 5 minutes. Each of these presets can be customized to suit your venue if you so wish. You also have the functionality to create 3 user presets in addition to the 3 in built presets. To customize any of these presets please see the Customizing Presets section in these instructions.

These buttons are used to launch individual Fireworks. You can customize how many times they repeat and their colours by amending the notecard in the base unit called "_Quick Launch Presets". To do this please see the Customizing Presets section in these instructions
These are fireworks which are viewable from the floor. They tend to be fireworks such as sparklers that display from the base unit itself.
These are fireworks that are viewable from the sky. They tend to be fireworks such as rockets that explode high up in the sky instead of directly out of the base unit.
This section is for more advanced user settings. You can use the product directly out of the box using the iControl Professional, but if you wish to have multiple units out on your sim with different settings you need to change channel communications.

To have more than one unit out, all you need to do is drag another from your inventory to the ground in world. If you require both units to be controlled with the same settings etc., then you need not do anything further with either unit, just use channel 0, which is the default channel number, on your controller to start, stop and adjust the other settings as usual.
Once you have placed the number of units you wish to have out you will then need to Restore
the units, by going to the Configuration via the iControl Professional. This will reset the values to factory state
. This is very useful if you are dragging out multiple units as if you have changed the colour to multi colour the newly dragged out unit will still only have the factory default settings. If you drag out two units pressing this Restore button will make sure that both units are displaying the same settings.
If you have more than one unit rezzed on the same sim and set to the same channel, one will become the master
. This master will perform all the script work to calculate colours/effects and then send the result to the other unit's, enabling all of them to synchronize their displays. As a result the Settings for the master will be used for all unit's. The master
will be chosen at random so you should ensure that this notecard is duplicated in all your unit's set to the same channel in order to achieve a consistent effect.
If you wish to have multiple units customized in different ways on the same sim, this can be done easily by setting one of your units to have a different channel to your first unit. To do this you will need to set the channel number for each additional unit.

To do this simply amend the description field of one the units as follows:
- Right click and select edit on one of the units.
In the general tab of the edit dialogue box locate the description field this will already have text in there like this:
Channel : 0
Set the new channel by editing this text so for example
Channel : 3
would set the channel to be 3. - If you are using Firestorm viewer go to the Content tab of the edit dialogue box and click the "Reset Scripts" button. If you are using the Second Life Viewer, you will need to go to the client tool bar (at the top of your screen) and click Build --> Scripts and then select "Reset Scripts". Any other viewer, you may need to refer to the viewers knowledge-base.
- On clicking Reset Scripts a dialogue box may pop up if you have never done this before asking you whether you wish to modify scripts in selected object - Just click yes - if no box asking that pops up, then the Reset Progress box will only appear and start going through each script in the unit and set them to running as in this example:

- When the dialogue box states done, press close.
- The unit that you changed will run through its setup.
You can now go to your main Control Channel page and in the Channel Selection panel select the new channel you set to now control the unit on that channel.
Do the above for any units that you wish to have on any other channel. You have in total 20 channels that you can use if you so wish.

The Fireworks Display comes with 3 in built preset displays that can be started only from the controller itself. The short preset lasts for approx 1 and a half minutes, the medium for approx 3 minutes and the long for approx 5 minutes. Each of these presets can be customized to suit your venue if you so wish. You also have the functionality to create 3 user presets in addition to the 3 in built presets. You will also find a _Quick Launch Preset notecard which holds the parameters for the Quick Launch fireworks.
Please note that only the owner of the Fireworks Display can make changes to presets. Even if you have people added to the access list this function is not permitted in Second Life objects.
To customize any of the presets, you will find the preset notecards contained within the contents of the Fireworks Display base unit not the controller). To see these, right click on the base unit and select Edit from the menu. Then click the Contents tab.

The _Quick Launch Presets notecard specifies the arrangements, colours and variations of fireworks produced when clicking any of the Quick Launch buttons.

If you wish to make any changes to the _Quick Launch Presets then double click this notecard in the Fireworks Base Unit. This will open the notecard to present you with all the parameters pertaining to each of the types of Fireworks you can display.
There is ONE parameter line per firework, with the following format:
FIREWORK arrangement:start colour(s):end colour(s):variation
Please see the individual parameters notecards (found in the TIS Fireworks Parameters object in your inventory) to see how each parameter affects the look of the fireworks.
Note: Leaving any parameter blank will result in a random value being chosen for that parameter. Colour parameters can accept multiple values similar to the COLOR: command.
The _Short, _Medium and _Long notecards contain sets of commands to create a firework display. Three additional blank notecards _User 1, _User 2 and _User 3 are included to enable you to create your own displays.

To amend the presets or create your own display's, double click the specific notecard to open it. Using the Parameters notecards (found in the TIS Fireworks Parameters object in your inventory) as a guide, add lines into the notecard specifying what Fireworks to produce and how they should look. You can see examples of the settings in the existing preset notecards. The following additional functions are available to fine tune controlling your display.
- SLEEP:sec
- This specifies how long to pause between each firework. It is IMPORTANT that you add sleep commands between fireworks if you do not wish them to be produced simultaneously - there is no automatic pause to let the previous firework finish.
- COLORS:<r,b,g>
- Sets the default colours (those used when colours are not specified for a firework) from that point on in the display.
- This specifies the start of a loop.
- LOOP:num
- Specifies the number of times to repeat fireworks commands encountered since LOOP START. Note: the number specifies the additional number of times to run the commands, hence LOOP:1 will play the enclosed commands twice, once for the first run and then once for the loop. Loops can be nested but care should be taken to ensure each LOOP START has a corresponding LOOP:num command.
Access for this product can only be controlled via the iControl Professional. For details on how to set access for this product please see the instructions for the TIS iControl Professional.
Current version of the is v. Release date of the current version is .
To check the version of this product you are running please follow these steps:
- Right click the product and choose edit.
- In the edit window, select the content tab.
- In the contents tab there is a script called
. - Right click the script and select Properties
- The version number will be entered in the Description field.
If you are running an out of date product, please obtain a redelivery of the product package from our redelivery board in our store, Click here to go there!
Listed here are the most common FAQ's for this product. Before contacting support, make sure your query is not answered here.
- Bug found and fixed. Bug was that the preset panel was being covered up when reset as settings were not being sent through correctly from the iControl.
- Version 1.0 - 2019-02-08
- Initial Release