The Billboard is used to display any texture or photo you want and enables people to be able to click on a picture to obtain any associated content such as a Landmark, Notecard or even a T-Shirt!
Billboard Features
- Fully Copyable
- Fully Modifiable
- Add any Texture or Photo
- Gives any content when picture clicked
Your Billboard comes in a product box. Drag this box to the ground where it will automatically unpack and give you a folder containing the object. Accept this folder and it will appear in the top level of your inventory. You can now delete the product box.
On receipt of your product you will find an object called "TIS Billboard". Drag this object to the ground. In chat the object will ask you to add any textures or photos to display.
To add textures or photos, follow these simple instructions:
- Right click the object and select Edit from the pie menu.
- Click on the Contents tab and drag any TRANSFERABLE and COPIABLE or FULL PERM textures or photos into the contents tab from your inventory.
- Close down the Edit dialog box
The Billboard will now start displaying the textures/photos you have added.
When adding items that are associated with a texture or photo, you must rename the items to match the name of the texture or photo, so for instance if your texture or photo is named "There in Spirit", you must name your item "There in Spirit ##" where ## is what the item is such as Landmark/Notecard/T-Shirt etc.
You are allowed to have multiple items such as Notecards etc but you must name them uniquely i.e. "There in Spirit Notecard", "There in Spirit Notecard 2".
To add any associated information to the photo or texture such as Landmarks, Notecards or even items of clothing etc, follow these simple instructions:
- Name as the texture or photo it relates to
- Right click the object and select Edit from the pie menu.
- Click on the Contents tab and drag any TRANSFERABLE and COPIABLE or FULL PERM items into the contents tab from your inventory.
- Close down the Edit dialog box
The billboard will now either give a folder if the picture clicked has multiple items associated with it or just a single item if the picture only has one item associated with it.
The Billboard can be modified. You can colour the surround and resize the Billboard by following simple instructions:
- Right click the object and select edit from the menu
- Click the "Edit linked parts" checkbox
- Now click the surround of the Billboard (do not modify any of the scrollers as this will stop the Billboard from working)
- Once you have clicked the surround you can either recolour the surround or Resize it.
- If you resize the Billboard you will notice that the scrollers automatically resize too!
Please note that when you are in this mode (edit linked parts) DO NOT MOVE the Billboard as you will only move the surround and not the scrollers!
To adjust the speed that the Billboard displays the textures or photos, you must follow these simple instructions:
- Right click the object and select edit from the menu
- Change the number in the Description field on the general tab i.e. from, 5 (5 seconds) to say, 20 (20 seconds)
Listed here are the most common FAQ's for this product. Before contacting support, make sure your query is not answered here.